99.9% vs. 100%

By Tyler Tompson-


“How much are each of us giving each day? Are you giving everything you have, or a little less than your best? Most people think 99.9% is enough to be considered “giving it your all”. Consider that if 99.9% was enough in other fields, then…


  • The U.S. Post office would lose 400,000 letters every day.
  • Pharmacists would fill 3,700 prescriptions incorrectly every day.
  • 18 airplanes would crash every day.
  • Doctors would drop 10 babies during delivery every day.


… Now do you think it is too much to give 100% in practice, conditioning, the weight room, and the classroom?!”


That passage was taken from one of my favorite books, Winning the Big One: Motivational and Team Building You Can Use, written by Brian Cain and Skip Bertman. A very short and quick read, but I think that this is something we all can fall into from time-to-time.


There will be times where you are tired, sore, exhausted, etc. and want to give less than you have in the tank. That is natural. Giving less or putting forth less effort when you are physically and mentally able to give more, however, is unacceptable.


If you were up late studying and cramming for that 8:00am final, and are only at 75% physically and mentally, then give 100% of that 75% – nothing less.


If you are just absolutely worn out by that morning strength training and conditioning, and now have to go to full team practice, give 100% of what you have – nothing less.


Don’t ever give less than what you are able to give.


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Important TBR Updates



  • We’ve just released the information on our Extended Stay Summer Program.  Ranch athletes receive messages like the one above at the start of every training day.  If you’d like more information, go to https://www.texasbaseballranch.com/events/tbr-summer-program/ There’s a $500 Early Bird Savings through March 31st.  Space is limited each week so don’t delay.

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