Texas Baseball Ranch Summer Program


January 16th 2025 - August 8th 2025    
12:00 am

Event Type

You Can Reach
The Next Level This Summer

These pitchers are having the time of their lives. They’re helping each other
get better, faster, at The Texas Baseball Ranch. Don’t envy them! Join them …


2025 Summer Program Dates Below:

Stay anywhere from 2 – 11 weeks 

May 27th – August 7th

**If you have never been to The Ranch before, a minimum 3 week stay is required


Summer Program 2025 Registration Form

*NOTE* – Rates do NOT include lodging


Dear Pitcher,

Take this quiz. Do you:

  • want more velocity?
  • want more command of your pitches?
  • want better secondary stuff?
  • want more consistency from outing to outing?
  • want to recover better between starts?
  • have arm pain, tightness, or soreness that hurts your performance?


If you answered Yes at least once, you’re invited to The Texas Baseball Ranch® for our Extended Stay Summer Program. Here’s the story …

You’re invited to join an elite group of young men who all want to reach the next level. Whether it’s starting on the high school varsity, getting a college scholarship, or getting drafted and going pro.


The Ranch Extended Stay Summer Program Is For 3 Kinds Of Pitchers. Which Are You?

  1. You threw plenty of innings in spring and now you need to focus on making gains in one or two areas. You don’t need more innings. You need specialized development to reach your goals. Or …
  2. You’re behind your peers in one or more of the major categories: velocity, command, recovery and durability, or consistency from outing to outing. Simply throwing in more games during the summer won’t help you catch up. Or …
  3. You’re dealing with an injury and you need to make sure you’re taking the right steps to get back to full health and stay there


Hundreds of pitchers come from around the world to The Texas Baseball Ranch®. One reason? No other place on earth has developed more 90 mph pitchers since 2003. More than 502 Ranch pitchers have broken the 90 mph barrier … 171 have broken 94 mph … and 28 have topped 100 mph! And more than 128 of our students have been drafted by Major League Baseball,

My coaches and I know that every pitcher can reach 90 mph — even if you’re over age 20. I’ve seen it happen time and time again, for players who were told they would NEVER top 80 mph, much less 90 mph. All you need is the right information, the right training, and the right work ethic. You get that — and more — at my Extended Stay Summer Program

Come for two – four weeks … or stay for the entire summer (11 weeks).


Will Improve As A Pitcher.

Here’s Why …

Want to know a secret? The key to the whole Extended Stay Summer Program is our “hyper-personalized” approach. There is no one-size-fits all system … no posing … no choreography.

Here, the focus is on YOU. We assess your strengths and identify your weaknesses. We then create a plan of action to transform you into a stronger, smarter, more powerful pitcher.


Flexible Summer Program Fits Your Schedule

You can train for two weeks … or the entire summer (11 weeks). We designed the Ranch Summer Program to be flexible — to meet your needs.


Coaching Makes The Difference

At each Extended Stay Summer Program, I bring together a select group of talented and knowledgeable coaches to help ensure YOU get the hands-on support you need.

I want only coaches who have a deep understanding of the Ranch systems … who understand that training is about the individual … who KNOW how to get results and sincerely believe every player reach the next level.

But don’t take my word for it …


Here’s What Other Pitchers Say About Their Summer Experience


I can honestly say that I would not have had the college baseball career that I did without the Texas Baseball Ranch. After Tommy John surgery, I wasn’t sure I would ever be back to the pitcher I was before- and I was right. For the first time I could throw pain free and I even broke 90mph. I am so thankful that I got to spend my summers at the Ranch.”

~Daniel Sawyer, Summer Program Pitcher


“My summer at the Texas Baseball Ranch not only changed me as a ball player but as a man as well. It is truly a life changing experience that will develop your skill and character. I promise that you won’t regret spending a summer at the Ranch!”  

~Ryan Sullivan, Summer Program Pitcher


“The Texas Baseball Ranch Summer Program is unlike any other training I’ve done. To get to work on my craft all day/everyday surrounded by a group of pitchers trying to improve is incredible.”

~Cody Springer, Summer Program Pitcher

Tremendous! Guys gained 7 mph and 5 mph!”

John Parker“Our pitching staff has seen noticeable gains. We had one guy consistently throwing 90-92, another gained 7mph, another gained 5mph. This camp has contributed to our success as a team. The kids love to hear exactly what can correct their issues and then almost immediately put the drills into practice.”

– Coach John Parker, Ouachita Christian HS, Monroe, LA


“I broke 90 mph with no more pain!”

Group“I had elbow pains and knew I was destined for Tommy John. But my dad told me that the camp could help me with arm health and increase vela. So I came and Coach Ron and his staff helped so much, they corrected my arm motion so it doesn’t hurt all while helping me break that 90mph barrier.”

Korey Wasson, Hot Springs, AR


Who This Is For

Now. A big question: Is the Extended Stay Summer Program for you? Well, that depends. You may be accepted if you can say “Yes” to most or all of the following questions …

  • Do you have a natural love of baseball and pitching?
  • Are you persistent?
  • Do you have a burning desire to grow and improve?
  • Are you curious and open to new ideas?
  • Do you have parents who are supportive, but not intrusive?

If you said “Yes” at least three times — hold on. This still may NOT be for you. In fact, the Extended Stay Summer Program is not for most pitchers. If any of the following describe you, please do not apply …


Who This Is NOT For

  • Guys who don’t like to work or who demand air-conditioned comfort
  • Guys who don’t like to be challenged, physically or mentally
  • Guys who find it hard to concentrate or stay on task
  • Guys who don’t want to push themselves or get hot and sweaty

Still with me? Great. If you’ve got the dedication and desire to become an unstoppable pitcher, my Extended Stay Summer Program will give you everything you need to reach your goals.


One more thing. It’s important …

You’re Protected By My Risk-Free
“Texas-Size” Money-Back Guarantee

It’s simple: Come to the Texas Baseball Ranch®. Put us to the test. Stay the entire first week. Absorb all the coaching, the personal attention, the fun, the whole TBR experience.

If, by 12:00 noon on the second week, you aren’t delighted with the Extended Stay Summer Program for any reason — or no reason — just let us know. Your admission will be cheerfully and immediately refunded. No questions asked. No hassles either. We wouldn’t have it any other way. And we’ve never had to refund a Ranch hand. Ever.

Still with me? Okay then a few more details:



May 27th – August 7th

Stay anywhere from 2 – 11 weeks 

**If you have never been to The Ranch before, a minimum 3 week stay is required


Registration Summer Program 2025

*NOTE* – Rates do NOT include lodging


Got questions? Call 936-588-6762

One more thing: Space at our next Extended Stay Summer Program is strictly limited to the first 60 pitchers per week who apply and are accepted.

That’s to make sure every athlete gets the same amount of “hyper-personalized” individual training that we’re famous for. Once we hit our limit of 60 pitchers, the doors slam shut and you have to wait until next year.

If you’ve got a love of baseball and pitching … a burning desire to improve … and you’re not afraid of hard work, you’re a great candidate for The Extended Stay Summer Program. We’d love to have you aboard.


Coach Ron Wolforth

The Texas Baseball Ranch®


P.S. Just to be clear … once all 60 spots per week for the next Summer Program are taken —  registration will end without notice.  Many of those spots have already been claimed. I urge you to be one of the 60.

Don’t miss out on this. If you don’t make it to my next Summer Program you may open yourself up to a whole bunch of negative outcomes like these …

  • Lost time. It took me 25 years to uncover the secrets to more velocity. But you don’t have 25 years to make your name and move on to the next level. You may have only a few months to make your mark if you hope to advance. Why waste time on useless trial and error, when there’s a proven way to reach the next level as pitcher waiting for you, right NOW, at my Extended Stay Summer Program?
  • Injury. Nobody else offers you a program based on our 17 years of medical and physical research. Maybe that’s why Men’s Journal magazine wrote this about me: “By retooling a pitcher’s delivery to eliminate inefficiencies and imbalances, Wolforth can reduce wear on his arm and engineer peak velocity.”
  • Mediocrity. You’ll never get to the next level or get noticed by scouts if you don’t stand out. But if you’re not on their radar now, what are your plans to get there? You can’t keep doing what you’ve been doing — you’ll only stay stuck. You need to make a change. So, if you want to give yourself an “unfair” advantage over other pitchers and prove all the critics wrong, you’ve found the right place here at The Texas Baseball Ranch®.

P.P.S. Nearly 41% of our “Ranch hands” are returnees, coming back for their second and third visits … not to mention the little brothers and teammates of past campers who join us every year. That tells you something about just how good this program is. 

In my 25 years of coaching, I’ve seen pitchers hit a roadblock, quit, and give up on their dreams.

But I’ve seen other pitchers hit the same roadblock … then break through their “genetic” barrier to pitch harder than they ever thought possible …

Plus, when you combine a burning desire to improve with the coaching and support you get at The Texas Baseball Ranch, you maximize your chances to reach your next level of play … 

You don’t have to stay stuck. There is hope. And you can’t make a mistake, thanks to our Risk-Free Money-Back Guarantee.


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