By Tyler Tompson-
A few months ago, retired Navy SEAL and now ultra-runner, Chadd Wright, went on to win a Last Man Standing race.
Chadd ran for 38 hours straight, finishing with 122.1 total miles ran. He climbed 37,700 ft UP, and then descended 37,700 ft during the span of that same race. To put that into perspective, the elevation of Mount Everest (the highest mountain in the world) is 29,032 feet.
I like to run, usually 2-4 miles regularly. But even imagining 122.1 miles to win a race is crazy to think about! How in the world do you even train for something like that? To be able to run that far, for that long, with constant uphill and downhill slopes? How did he do it?!
In his own words, Chadd went on to say, “I was patient. I was present. I was deliberate. And I wasn’t gonna quit.”
To Chadd Wright, quitting and giving up was not an option. Losing was not an option. The only option and the only ending to that race was one that he envisioned in his head repeatedly… Him being the last one standing and crossing that finish line.
He had a zero-option mentality when running that race. The only option was to win. He did not look at the race as 122.1 miles, he was patient and stayed within himself in the present moment. He was deliberate with every step, his pace, and his time throughout the race.
Quitting and giving up is easy. You can rest and relax and tell yourself you’ll “get ‘em next time” or that you’ll just push yourself more the next time… However, that’s not true. When you take quitting off of the table, you simply can’t lose!
No matter the task, objective, or goal… Never give up! There is no other option. Whatever it takes, you must get there. Be patient and take the necessary amount of time. Be in the present moment. Be deliberate with your decision making.
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Important TBR Updates
- Our Fall and Winter Elite Pitchers Boot Camp dates (November, December & January) are available online and are filling up fast! Learn more and register at
- Our Youth Elite Pitchers camp for 2021 will be October 16 & 17. This camp is especially designed for young pitchers between the ages of 8 & 12. Space is limited to 24 players. Information and registration can be found at
- Dates have also been announced for our 3rd Annual Elite Catchers Boot Camp which will be December 10th-12th and our Alumni Boot Camp January 8th-9th. More information available soon at
for more details or to sign up for any of these options.