Having an Accountability Partner is Key

By: Alexa Lezak


Often in life, we come across what we perceive as struggles. Moments such as, not exercising enough, not practicing your sport as often as you should, or not eating as healthy as you could are just a few examples. How do people overcome these obstacles? A lot of times, we have a friend, a parent, or a coach that help motivate us to begin this journey in bettering ourselves. People who we value tend to be better accountability partners.


“Accountability is the glue that ties commitment to the result.”

-Bob Proctor


During the last few weeks, the office staff at The Ranch felt like we were eating unhealthy way too often. We are normally pretty good about meal prepping all of our lunch meals for the week, but we had fallen off the wagon for a couple of weeks straight. We finally reached our breaking point and realized that we really needed to get back on track. Because of this, we started brainstorming ideas of how we could all hold each other accountable to eating healthy and working out. We came up with the idea of an 8-week healthy living “challenge”. The challenge includes small, 2-week competitions that consist of mini-challenges. We are currently in our first mini challenge, which is a hydration competition and will see who can drink the most water in the 2 weeks. The next 2-week challenge will be a step competition, and the third mini-challenge is a workout competition. We are still brainstorming what our last mini challenge will consist of. However, the big competition that we are all working towards through the full 8 weeks is who can lose the most body fat. We had to make sure it was as fair as possible so once we reach the end of the 8 weeks, we are calculating the percent loss of each of our body fat percentage. We have been keeping up with everyone’s water consumption on the white board in the office, which makes it easy to keep each other accountable and to track everyone’s progress.


Reasons why you should have an accountability partner:


  • Support
  • Motivation
  • Structure
  • Build Confidence
  • Keep yourself on track
  • Accomplish your goals!


Whatever your goals may be, I encourage you to find an accountability partner. Throughout the past week of our challenge, I have been really thankful that I have people that are on the same journey that I am. It makes it so much easier to stay the course and not want to get off track. It also has shown me the importance of having accountability partners.


What do you need to be held accountable for?


Important TBR Updates


  • One of the things we do exceptionally well with our Extended Stay Summer Program at The Texas Baseball Ranch is to help young men map out a plan for progress and help them to stay on track.  If you or someone you know would like to join us at The Ranch this summer, please check out the program at www.TexasBaseballRanch.com/events.  There is an early bird discount that ends on April 16th.



  • Athletes continue to be excited our “Ranch Remote” training. It’s a program for people that would still like to get access to, and ongoing instruction from, the TBR staff but prefer to avoid travel due to the virus or other limitations. Click here to get more information on this NEW, hyper-personalized training option. Space is limited in this program and we only have a few spots open currently so if you’re interested, don’t delay.


Please call (936) 588-6762 or email us: info@texasbaseballranch.com
for more details or to sign up for any of these options.

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