Arm Health into The High School and College Seasons

By Isaiah Trevino – 


If you have ever been to the Texas Baseball Ranch® or have worked with anybody associated with the Ranch, one of the first questions always asked is, “How’s your arm health?”  This question is one of the most important questions that must be answered before moving forward. Many people won’t ask this question, or ask themselves this question, before moving on to a certain program. No matter what plan you have lined up, if your arm isn’t healthy enough to throw and always gives you pain and discomfort, that is significant. You will never be able to throw enough to make progress without addressing this first. Whether you are looking to gain velocity, improve movement patterns, improve command, or increase movement on your secondary stuff, all of these require thousands of repetitions. Without our arms being as healthy and durable as possible, none of that will be very efficient.


One of the more common things people will come to train for at the Texas Baseball Ranch® is velocity. We are all for that! However, as stated above, arm health will always be #1. So, first, we ask about your arm health. And it isn’t just a “yes” or “no” answer we want either. We measure arm pain/discomfort on a scale of “1” to “10.” One being very minimal, if any, and 10 being something is definitely wrong and you can’t throw at all without pain. The goal for all of our athletes is to get that pain down to a “1” or “2”, even when throwing at maximum intensity. (The process to get to that number is a different discussion in itself.) Only when we can get the pain down can we then throw enough and with a high enough intensity to gain velocity.


A common mistake often made is someone will hop on a velocity enhancement program with their pain already at a high number (like a “5” or higher), and while they may take a step forward, they soon take several steps back. They may gain velocity quickly, but if we haven’t solved the issue that is causing pain in the arm, it is just a matter of time until something serious happens that can cause us to have to put down the baseball for an extended period.


As most athletes around the country have either just started their high school or college baseball season or will in the upcoming months, it is essential to understand this importance. If you still have time to prepare for your season, make sure you are taking the time for arm prep and care, as well as properly ramping up your arm and body so you can be at peak performance when the season begins. If you are already in season, don’t overlook the importance of keeping your arm healthy all season; after all, the best ability is availability. If that means you must show up early or stay late to get extra arm care in because it doesn’t fit the regular practice schedule, then you must do that. It’s your responsibility to take care of your arm and body; you know yourself the best and what you need to do to have the best chance to remain healthy all year.


While working to improve your arm health and durability may not be the most glamorous, it is the most important. Without arm health, you cannot train; without training, you won’t be able to perform at your highest level possible. Once we can solve the issue of arm health, only then can we start working on other things that may be holding us back.


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Important TBR Updates


  • Two dates remain for our Winter Elite Pitchers Bootcamps. Get your spot now for one of the upcoming dates! Please CLICK HERE to learn more and secure your spot.
    Dates include:
    Jan. 18-20 (MLK weekend)
    Feb. 15-17 (President’s Day weekend)
    Have you been considering attending one of our 3-Day Elite Pitchers Bootcamp but are still on the fence? To help, we have a detailed mailing package entitled “What Makes This Boot Camp Different”. If you’d like to receive this package and start making plans for the summer, email and request a copy.


  • TBR Night Classes.  January is the last month for our winter classes so if you’re a local athlete and looking to make an impact for your team this Spring, this is your edge. For more information, call (936) 588-6762 or email  Space is limited!


  • 2025 Summer Program and Elite Pitchers Bootcamps information will be released soon! Please watch your email for details.






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