Work While You Wait

By: Jill E. Wolforth


Our son Garrett is a freshman in college and playing Division I baseball.  As a freshman, players typically come into a program and are competing with other young men anywhere from 1-4 years their elder.  In Garrett’s case, he graduated a year early so, including red-shirt seniors, he has teammates that are 2-5 years older than him.  To earn a starting spot or even a contributing role is extremely difficult.


Some people would be discouraged by the situation, others angry.  Most simply accept it as the way things work, wait patiently and assume the day will come for them to play as the “upperclassman”.  Regardless of how you view it, the critical piece is what are you doing in the meantime.  What are you doing to tip the scale in your favor?  What are you willing to do that others aren’t? 


At the Texas Baseball Ranch™, we constantly remind our athletes to “Control what you can control.”  Famed tennis player, Arthur Ashe said, “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” 


Last week I came across a video by Erik Thomas (ET) aka The Hip Hop Preacher.  He referred to this very situation and emphasized the critical importance to “Work While You Wait”.  As a player, you should work while you wait for your opportunity to play.  As a sales person, you should work while you wait for the appointment to be accepted or the order to be placed.  As a spouse or parent, you should work while you wait for the relationship to blossom.  Whatever the goal you’ve set, you must WORK WHILE YOU WAIT for it to come to fruition.  Pound your craft, master your skills, commit to the grind.


Then, be prepared to do it for as long as it takes, and that might be a LONG time.  Most people find that they can commit for a short term burst but become disappointed when they don’t see immediate results. As ET says, the one guarantee is that if you stop, if you give up, you definitely won’t achieve the goal. 


It you’d like to see the video, you can watch it here:


In Garrett’s situation, he has recruited a teammate to get in some extra hitting, sometimes early in the morning, sometimes late at night.  He has access to the machines and spends a little time each day doing some extra receiving.  He’s added some additional flexibility work to his routine.  He has his Durathro™ sock on the road to make sure be gets his throwing in to maintain his arm.  He’s working while he waits.



Most people come up with all the reasons they can’t do something.  They make excuses or blame others.  They say people don’t understand their situation.  Yes, things can be difficult.  They can even be unfair but that doesn’t stop you from going to work on something each and every day.


**Make sure you have the best equipment to help you maximize your training.  We are please to have a Strategic Partnership for equipment with Oates Specialties.  You can see all they have to offer at

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