Ron Wolforth’s Texas Baseball Ranch

Here at Ron Wolforth’s Texas Baseball Ranch we work with SPECIAL baseball and softball athletes.  What does SPECIAL mean?  Well, to us, SPECIAL is a unique combination of things:

  • ABILITY – The athlete must have a solid overall athletic ability
  • APTITUDE – The athlete must have a natural love of baseball or softball
  • ATTITUDE – The athlete must be eager to learn, listen experiment and try new things
  • WORK ETHIC / DEDICATION – The athlete must habitually do his/her homework
  • COMMITMENT – The athlete must be persistent and typically be resilient to temporary failures, challenges and set backs
  • GOALS – The athlete must have a burning desire to play past his/her current level of play.
  • PARENTS WHO ARE SUPPORTIVE BUT NOT INTRUSIVE – The athlete’s parents mus be helpful but not attempting to live their life again through their child or attempting to save their child from ‘failure’ by manipulation, coercion, or influence.  They must view their child as a capable, responsible, honorable young person who is ultimately accountable for his own failures and successes.

SPECIAL to us is someone who has a burning desire to play baseball or softball AND is exceptionally eager to find out how to improve his/her skills.

If this describes you or your athlete, then you would be a good fit for one of our training programs.  Please check out our various training programs at

Take a look at the video below from a young man that trained with us at the ranch this past summer.

To learn more about the products and services we offer, please visit our website

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