Choose Your Hard

By Jonathan Massey –


Fall is a very bittersweet time of year for me here at the Texas Baseball Ranch®. On the one hand, the weather is starting to cool off. If you have ever been here (or in the Houston area) during the month of August, you will gladly take any reprieve from the scorching hot temperatures and humidity. On the other hand, the cooler weather means the leaves begin to fall… Aka, they begin to find their way into our facilities… Which means added work each day to keep our facilities looking pristine. 

The other day, I walked into one of our barns, and leaves were everywhere! I had a decent amount of work ahead of me. Frustrated with the new task that I now had, I looked around the property and thought to myself, “If all these leaves were just mulch, then they wouldn’t get into the barns.” I then looked around and thought about how much work it would take to mulch all the leaves with roughly eight acres of trees.


That’s when this blog title occurred to me. Life is hard, but we get to “choose our hard.” I could choose between spending 30 to 45 minutes cleaning leaves out of the barn every day -or- I could spend two to three hours raking and mulching all the leaves around the property. Neither option is great, but at least I can decide which “suck” I want to go through. (In case you were wondering, I spent the time mulching the leaves. I hate cleaning the barns daily.)


Playing professional baseball (or sports in general) is hard… So is living with the realization that you could have made it had you put in just a little more work. Starting your own successful business is hard, but so is moving up the ranks and earning promotions at an established company. Life is hard—no question about it. More often than not, though, we get to choose our hard. So, choose the “hard” that makes sense to you!


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Important TBR Updates


  • It’s not too late to attend an Elite Pitcher’s Bootcamp before the Spring. Get your spot now for our February 15-17 3-Day Event (President’s Day weekend)! Please CLICK HERE to learn more and reserve your spot.


  • Have you been considering attending one of our 3-Day Elite Pitchers Bootcamp but are still on the fence? To help, we have a detailed mailing package entitled “What Makes This Boot Camp Different”. If you’d like to receive this package and start making plans for the summer, email and request a copy.


  • Registration for our 2025 “Summer Intensive Development Program” and 3-Day “Elite Pitcher’s Bootcamp” is now open! Check your email for details or visit to take advantage of our “Early Bird” rates for the summer program.


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