Summer 2024 – It’s A Wrap!

By Jill E. Wolforth – 


Today is officially the last day of our 2024 Summer Training at The Ranch.  We started back on Memorial Day Weekend and here we are 11 weeks later.  Like so many things to me these days, the summer seemed to fly by.  The athletes and TBR coaches might not have felt the same way many days when the temperatures were in the upper 90’s and the humidity was off the charts.  But earlier this week I did have one young man who’s getting ready to head off to college say to me, “I can’t believe how fast the five weeks have gone by.  It’s a chapter of my life finishing.”  It’s pretty special to know you’re having an impact on his next chapter.


Between our Elite Pitchers Bootcamps and Summer Intensive Development Program, 230+ athletes were at The Ranch this summer developing their skills and improving their performance.  It’s always neat to witness the transformation that takes place for these athletes each summer.  It’s not just their pitching.  It’s their development physically, mentally and emotionally. It’s their growth as baseball players and as young men.


There will be several memories from Summer 2024 but one week will likely stick out above the others.  It’s a week that we hope not to repeat anytime in the near future — Hurricane Beryl.  Beryl came through early on a Monday morning so we had to cancel training that day.  It cleared off by 2pm that afternoon so we planned to be right back on track the next day.  There was only one problem, we had no power.  But that wasn’t going to stop us. Fortunately there was no additional rain so the training went on that week outside without any issues.  We ended up being without power for the rest of the week but you would’t have know it watching the guys train.  As we continuously say at The Ranch, “We’ll figure it out” and the guys certainly did.


As I began writing this week’s article, I kept asking myself, “What is the lesson or message to be shared?”  As I’ve gotten to this point, I’ve determined there really isn’t one.  It’s more a feeling of wanting to express gratitude.  As I say at the end of each of our bootcamps, “Coach Wolforth and I are extremely blessed to be able to do something we love to do which is to help these young athletes in pursuit of their dreams.”  Once again this summer I’m happy to say I believe we’ve been able to do just that.  For this, I’m am extremely grateful!

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Thank you to everyone – players, parents and staff for making this a super summer!  

It has become tradition to take summer “fun” photos as seen above left.  Some of the guys get quite creative.
 Above right is the entire group of people that worked at the Ranch this summer between bootcamps and Summer Program. Coach Wolforth & I are very fortunate to be surrounded by these people.

Below to the left is Coach Wolforth with our Summer 2024 interns.  They did a fantastic job!  The two other pictures below (center & right) are from our Legacy pizza/pool party.  These young men came early all summer for a leadership training and then helped prepare the facilities and guide new athletes in the training. They certainly deserved some R&R.




Important TBR Updates


  • Fall/Winter Elite Pitchers Bootcamp Registration NOW OPEN!
    Dates include:
    Oct. 12-14 (Columbus Day weekend)
    Nov. 23-25
    Dec. 28-30
    Jan. 18-20 (MKL weekend)
    Feb. 15-17 (President’s Day weekend)

  • Have you been considering attending one of our 3-Day Elite Pitchers Bootcamp but haven’t yet pulled the trigger? To help, we have a detailed mailing package entitled “What Makes This Boot Camp Different”. If you’d like to receive this package and start making plans for the summer, email and request a copy.

  • Attention parents of pitchers ages 8-12. Our 2024 Youth Elite Pitchers Bootcamp is Oct. 5 & 6 and we’d love to have you join us! Please CLICK HERE to go to the website, learn more and register to secure your spot.




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