By Alexa Lezak –
This past week, my family and I took a week-long vacation up to Concan, Texas which is the home to our favorite place… the Frio River. For those of you who live in Texas, you probably know what I’m talking about. For those of you who don’t, I’m sorry.
We have been taking family vacations to the Frio for 20+ years. My first trip was when I was about 4 years old and I fell in love with the cold water, rope swings, and the long float in an inner tube down the rapids of the river surrounded by giant cypress trees. We would park our tubes for a while on the banks, eat our packed lunch, swim in the swimming hole, and then get back in our tubes for the rest of our float trip (of course, stopping at every rope swing possible). We would go back to our cabin and have dinner, play cards or board games, then go to sleep and do it all over again the next day.
Over the years, not much has changed. We still spend every day that we are there in the cold (or in Spanish, “frio” … hence the name of the river) water, soaking up the sun, and even still swinging off the rope swings from time to time. In the evenings, we love sitting on our porch, listening to music and watching the sunset as we share stories and memories from previous summers. We turn on our favorite country songs, throw out some corn for the deer, and soak in nature with the ones we love. However, what I didn’t realize 20 years ago was that it’s not just the river and the rope swings that make it so enjoyable. What makes it so special is the time spent around family.
Here are a few pictures from our trip!
My family is pretty simple, and we prefer vacations with no time clock; where we do not have to be in a hurry to do anything, especially since everyone’s schedules these days are so hectic. I’m sure that river trips may not necessarily be everyone’s cup of tea but for us, we can’t think of anything better.
No matter what you choose to do, I think that spending time with your family or loved ones is time well spent. I encourage everyone to find some time this week to spend with your loved ones — whether that be a phone call, dinner, or even planning a trip to the Frio River!
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Important TBR Updates
- Our Fall and Winter Elite Pitchers Boot Camp dates (November, December & January) are available online and are filling up fast! Learn more and register at
- Our Youth Elite Pitchers camp for 2021 will be October 16 & 17. This camp is especially designed for young pitchers between the ages of 8 & 12. Space is limited to 24 players. Information and registration can be found at
- We have one outside camp still available this fall. On September 24-26 the TBR staff will be in Southern California at Throwzone Academy. To sign up, visit, or contact Coach Jim Wagner at 661-644-2147.
for more details or to sign up for any of these options.