The Rush

By Pierce Jones –


We are right around the corner for kicking off the 2023 baseball season. This becomes a very exciting time of year for all of us here at The Ranch; getting to hear how all the hard work has paid off this off-season. We greatly appreciate everyone reaching out and staying in touch with us about the success that has been had. Hopefully, the goals have been set and the strides have been made, and will continue to be made, as this season unravels. 


Everything that was done in the off-season was clearly done for a purpose and with your best intentions in mind… to push yourself forward and try to gain an edge. The biggest thing we need to realize now is you must COMPETE. I often see guys struggling coming out of the off-season; trying to get in a groove, or possibly finding the groove and then losing it. It can become stressful and overwhelming. The thought that all of the hard work you put in during the off-season is beginning to feel like a waste cannot cross your mind. I wanted to use this blog to discuss some different cues/mindsets that one can use to be helpful going into this season when things start moving fast and one needs to slow down. 


First thing is, you must trust yourself and the work that you have put in. You prepared for this all off-season, and you must trust your work. 


Oftentimes, guys find themselves getting that head rush and can’t control the adrenaline on the mound, so the world starts moving really fast. To slow things down, I have seen guys excel in finding that rhythm through music. Find your favorite song that you can sing over and over again and let that run through your mind on the mound. Not only does that take your mind away from the exact situation of the rush, but it also helps you create a rhythm and find your groove on the mound. 


The last one I encourage guys to try is “rolling the ankle”. This was an old trick I was taught by Brent Strom (Pitching Coach for the Arizona Diamondbacks and formerly with the Houston Astros). When things start moving fast on the mound, just roll your ankle over to the pinky toe and it is a mental reset for the brain, taking your mind to the pinch of the rolling of the ankle instead.


Of course, these are just little cues to be able to help, and while some have had success with these, others still might not. I encourage you to try these out this season when things start to move quickly or you find yourself in a sticky situation. You never know what might work for you until you try it!



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Important TBR Updates


  • Our final event of the “winter” is our 3-Day Elite Pitchers Bootcamp on February 18-20 (President’s Day Weekend).  This is our last event until summer. Limited spots remain.  Click here to read more and to register



  • Summer Intensive Program information is now available.  CLICK HERE to learn more and download the registration form to reserve your slot.


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